
All features

System in the cloud

Everything is in the cloud, for you it means that you have access to your system from any device you want, everything you need is web browser and internet connection.

Best calendar for cleaning companies

We spent more than 5 years on creating best in class calendar and we can praudly say that after many attemtps we achievd perfect balance beteewn simlicity and power it can give you to customize what you need.

Most advanced schedule helper out there

Driven by AI. Find best employee for work just with one click. System will calculate travel time to and from work, his avaibility and other factors letting you know that chosing this employee will save you time and money.

Invoicing system

Everything around invoicing is built into the system. Even more, system will automatically take all events from calendar and put them into the invoice so you can just approve and send all invoices with one click.

Keys management

Managing keys was always a problem for our clients before they started using our system. Now every key has it's own place, history, current holder and you can even create reminders for specific key to have everything under control.

Mailing system

To help our clients to have everything in one place, we implemented mailing module so they can send and even receive all their emails in our system instead of using external programs. System will scan and let you know if an email needs your attention, for example if a client would like to cancel his subscription.

Backup every 30min

It's unusual approach. Most companies are making backups once per day, or even once per every few days. Because we care about our clients data, we are making encrypted backups every 30 minutes, there is no place for errors in our world. Of course we don't need these backups because our system is always online!

Employees management

Keep all data about your employees in one system. Addresses, history of work, files, contracts, messages, comments and more under one page of your employee. You don't have to remove employee from the system, archive him instead and keep all history data related to this employee.

Employees monitoring

Every employee has access to an mobile application where they can check-in and check-out from a working place. These information we can show you on the map, which employee is where and what kind of services he/she is actually doing.

Mobile app for employee

It's a life saver for your employees. They have access to an mobile application where they can check their schedule for next few days, check on the map where they suppose to work, check history of their work and even write and receive messages from the system.

Mobile app for clients

In case if clients would like to know when is the next service they ordered, they can login into theirs mobile application to check that. Inside they can check even more, history of their services, contact you within the app and receive notification reminding them about approaching events.

Managers management

Managers has access to the main system where they can manage everything but with some limitations. You decide what manager has access to what part of the system, for example maybe you would like to give an access to your accountant only to economy part of your company.

Interactive map with live view

We prepared interactive map with extra view where you can see all your clients, employees or even employees which are at client's place right now. If you plan to do any action regardless some kind of area of the city, this map will help you a lot to make a proper decision.

Add POI to your map

We allow to add custom POI to the map, so you can add more than just your clients and employees. You can add for example supply warehouse and decide if it should be visible to your employees or not. Decision is up to you and you can put as many locations as you want.

Skatteverket friendly

Cleaning companies working with private customers are familiar with RUT. System will prepare special files for you so you can easily send to Skatteverket and get your money back, it's easy and simple process.

Absence management

We could say "no more papers!". All employees can apply for theirs absence from the mobile application, you can accept or reject it in the system. All absence will be visible in the calendar so you will see if particular employee is available that day or not.

Clients management

It's the main functionality of the system, helping to manage your clients. We will give you plenty of different categories of data that you can keep about your clients. Addresses, keys, files, contracts, services, invoices and a lot more.

Clients damages

Unfortunately it happens, sometimes you have to report an damage at your clients place. We will give you a tool to report and track all accidents that happened at your company so you can track them in easily way.

Cars management

Keep track on your cars fleet, assign car to a specific employee and have detailed history view who had car at what time at your company. You can assign specific assets to a car to know where your tools currently are.

Advanced statistics

Maybe it's not the most important thing in the world but trust us, it's good to have an overview how is your company growing over time. What kind of services are most common and what clients are the most profitable.

Export to PDF and Excel

Our system keeps a lot of data, at some point you would like to do something with it and we will help you easily export everything you need to Excel or PDF in case if you would like to print it. You can even print all statistics you can see under statistics page.

Custom reminders

Reminders module allow you to create custom reminders for your clients and employees so for example in the next 6 month you will remember to ask your employee to bring some documents he/she had to.

Leaving work to soon system prevention

When your employees starts theirs work, they have to check-in/check-out in the mobile application. Every time when they do that, we will check theirs location using GPS so we know if there are in the proper working place. We never check theirs location in any other situations!

SL logo

Traffic information from SL

System is taking live all date from SL and show them in clear way so you know if there is any commute problems, thanks to that you can inform your employees that something happened and prevent from any work delays at your clients place.

Keep files related to clients, employees or projects

Companies has to deal with huge amount of files, it can be scan of important documents, contracts, images from working place and even more. We allow you to store these files in our system so you don't have to search for them in places like your old emails or so.

System in multiple languages

Our system is translated into multiple languages to help your employees understand what actually they are using, it suppose to help them with theirs daily work. There is no language you are looking for? Let us know and we will add it to our database.

History of everything

Every action in our system has it's own footprint, which means that we know what person changed some clients data or created new a employee. In bigger companies with multiple managers it's important to know to who you should talk with in case if you need more information about specific topic.

Built in Help Desk

We deliver a tool to allow you build your own help desk system, which means that you can write multiple texts in many different languages and make it readable by your employees or clients. For example in case if something will happen, instead of calling your managers, they can find answer in the help text you wrote.

And probably a lot more...

© 2016 - 2025 Wisegent, Made with Love in Sweden